Social Security Number Verification Tips
How to Verify Social Security Numbers for Free

If you're on a tight budget and you need to confirm the authenticity of a social security number without paying for it, there are several choices. This article will guide you through how to analyze a social security number to confirm its authenticity.
The first thing you will want to do is familiarize yourself with the makeup of a social security number. Social security numbers consist of nine (9) digits separated by hyphens (e.g. 000-00-0000 is the format). The first three numbers are known as the area field and represent the state where the SSN was issued. The areas are as follows:
001-003 NEW HAMPSHIRE 004-007 MAINE 008-009 VERMONT 010-034 MASSACHUSETTS 035-039 RHODE ISLAND 040-049 CONNECTICUT 050-134 NEW YORK 135-158 NEW JERSEY 159-211 PENNSYLVANIA 212-220 MARYLAND 221-222 DELAWARE 223-231 VIRGINIA 232-236 WEST VIRGINIA 232,237-246 NORTH CAROLINA 247-251 SOUTH CAROLINA 252-260 GEORGIA 261-267 FLORIDA 268-302 OHIO 303-317 INDIANA 318-361 ILLINOIS 362-386 MICHIGAN 387-399 WISCONSIN 400-407 KENTUCKY 408-415 TENNESSEE 416-424 ALABAMA 425-428 MISSISSIPPI 429-432 ARKANSAS 433-439 LOUISIANA 440-448 OKLAHOMA 449-467 TEXAS 468-477 MINNESOTA 478-485 IOWA 486-500 MISSOURI 501-502 NORTH DAKOTA 503-504 SOUTH DAKOTA 505-508 NEBRASKA 509-515 KANSAS 516-517 MONTANA 518-519 IDAHO 520 WYOMING 521-524 COLORADO 525 NEW MEXICO 526-527 ARIZONA 528-529 UTAH 530 NEVADA 531-539 WASHINGTON 540-544 OREGON 545-573 CALIFORNIA 574 ALASKA 575-576 HAWAII 577-579 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 580 VIRGIN ISLANDS 580-584 PUERTO RICO 585 NEW MEXICO 586 AMERICAN SAMOA,GUAM 587-588 MISSISSIPPI 589-595 FLORIDA 596-599 PUERTO RICO 600-601 ARIZONA 602-626 CALIFORNIA 627-645 TEXAS 646-647 UTAH 648-649 NEW MEXICO 700-728 ISSUED TO RAILROAD BOARD PRIOR TO 1963 (NO LONGER USED)
The next two numbers of the social security number are known as the group numbers. The group numbers don't have any geographic significance. They are the order in which numbers are handed out. Each month the social security administration (SSA) publishes a list of the most recent (highest) numbers releases for each region. With this in mind, if you have a number you're researching and the middle numbers are higher than the SSA has released so far, you will know you're dealing with a bogus SSN.
The last four numbers of a social security number is the serial number. Although these aren't necessarily released in any particular order, the SSA seems to be moving towards releasing them in an increasing forumula (higher numbers after lower numbers).
How to Spot an Invalid SSN Immediately
If any of the three parts of the SSN contain all zeros, the number is invalid. The SSA never uses all zeroes for any part.
If the first three numbers are above 740, the number probably isn't legit.